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March 9, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Town of East Windsor
East Windsor Historical Commission
11 Rye Street
Broad Brook, CT 06016


Minutes – March 9, 2006

A regular meeting of the East Windsor Historical Commission was on Thursday, March 9, 2006 at the East Windsor Town Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:45 P.M.
A quorum was present, only Marilyn Butenkoff was absent.

Minutes of February 9, 2006 were reviewed. A motion was made to approve the minutes with amendments. The motion was made by Paul Scannell and seconded by Michael Hunt. The motion was approved unanimously.

Correspondence included: Community Day application, National Preservation Trust 2006
Pittsburg conference information, American Planning Smart Planning letter, Forum news, Preservation magazine, Connecticut Preservation Trust Membership renewal, Connecticut Preservation Trust House Talk March 25, 2006 information, and the East Windsor Town report with the Historical Commission’s report.

Added agenda items included: three (3) letters: 1) to the Select Board, 2) to the legislators and 3) to Christine Burkert; and commission secretary position.

Old Business:
        Scenic Road Ordinance: Irene Clifton was to contact Linda Roberts, first selectman, but needed to find out from Michael Hunt about meeting times first. Michael Hunt is available Thursday nights. It is hard to get a hold of Mrs. Roberts.
        District 12 Schoolhouse: Nothing new to report. There was discussion about contacting Wal-Mart for donation. Also clean up was discussed. The road crew is too busy. We could try to organize a work session after March 25. Also the interested neighbors should be contacted again. There was discussion about the production of a banner: “Help Us Restore the Schoolhouse.” Fabric, stencils, and house paint will be needed. Times to meet for the project could be Wednesday nights and Saturdays. It was discussed whether the high school art students, 4-Hers, or Leo’s could be involved or whether we should use something like Merritt Graphics of New Haven.
        Town Planning update: Nothing has been heard back from the Town Planner regarding coming to one of our meetings. The public meeting date has not been seen yet.
        Letter to Local and State Representatives: A letter entitled “Digging Ditches” was reviewed for distribution to alert legislators to the trashing of our U.S. heritage.
        Link with East Windsor Schools: Community Day plans should be on the agenda for our April meeting. The poor response for the essay contest on barns was discussed as were the coloring contest entries and what to do about awards. Discussion was around gift certificates, prize certificates and the possibility of doing something for Community Day with regard to this.
        Web Site: 10 hits in February.
        Calendar of Speakers: Nothing to Report
        Schoolhouse Article: Articles are due for April for potential publication.
        Charter Revision: We received notice of no input to them from our commission. The committee meets again the 13th, 18th, and 23rd of March. Input to the committee from our commission was discussed. The East Windsor Historical Commission is not listed with the other commissions in the charter. It was felt that it would have been easier for our commission to respond if initially we were provided with more information as to the form and function of the charter, what our present charter says and why and what other town charters say. Paul Scannell thought he might contact Noreen Farmer about the charter revision work. The revision is to be completed by April 1st, 2006.
        East Windsor Historical Commission Trust Fund: There was no discussion on this except to note that it might be advisable to contact an outside attorney about what our options are for this.
        South Water Street Apartments: The final decision is pending. The Planning and Zoning Commission has deferred its decision for now. There was opposition to the R-zone changes.
        Barn Tour: Thank you letters are out.
        CT Preservation Trust Barn Inventory: The photos of East Windsor’s barns are done.
        Historic District: Nothing to report.
        Nominations and Elections: Keep positions status quo. Christine Burkert did not do the minutes this time.
        Fund Raising: Nothing to report.
        Windsor Locks Historical Commission joint meeting: Scheduled for May.
New Business:
        Demolition Delay evaluations:   
94 South Main Street evaluation is set for March 11th. Members were polled as to the times of the visit and who was available. Time was set for 1 P.M. in the afternoon.
93 Depot Street evaluation is also set for March 11th. It will be done at 2 P.M. The same members will participate as for 94 South Main Street.
225 Melrose Road evaluation is set for March 25th. Members were polled as to times and availability. The time was set for 9 A.M. John Curtis, an historical architectural consultant will also participate to confirm the age of the building.

Added Agenda items:
        Letters: Review of the letter to the Select Board re: the Planning and Zoning office and preservation. A meeting time needs to be set to meet with the Select Board on the matter. The letter to legislators was also reviews. The letter to Christine Burkert was reviewed.
        Commission Secretary: Lind Roberts, First Selectman, was contacted by the chair with regard to the commission’s lack if a secretary. Linda Roberts stated that no money was available from the town other than what is in our budget for the commission. With the money in our present budget we could afford to pay someone about $100.00/meeting for the ten remaining meetings that would be $1000.00. To get through this year, it was proposed to contact Christine Burkert to continue as a paid secretary, only typing the agendas and summaries of the minutes. Other options discussed were to see if there is a pool of secretaries the town uses, or if we could just file our taped copies of minutes with written motions. Discussions needed to be resumed with Linda Roberts about these questions.

A motion to adjourn was made by Paul Scannell and seconded by Michael Hunt. Motion passed unanimously.
Adjourned meeting at 8:17 P.M.